I mentioned before that we were really progressing in the whole potty training thing. Well, we've now regressed and after weeks of not changing any poopy diapers, we went weeks without using the potty at all. In fact, when I could tell Mr. Mister was about to go number two, I'd try to get him to go on the potty, offering any incentive that might work. But he'd just respond, "No, I want to go in my diaper." A very conscious choice. So I decided not to push it. Kids really will go when they are ready. Even if that doesn't align with my hopes of having him out of diapers by the time Baby 2 arrives.
A couple nights ago, we finally got him to go on the potty again. We showed our great excitement and then offered him the choice: Do you want a cookie or a penny? He thought for a second, and then like the wise young negotiator that he is, said, "I want a penny in this hand and a cookie in this hand!"
He finally decided on a cookie, but refused the animal cracker that worked for so long before. He told me,"No, the brown one." That would be a thin mint. So he's upping the ante on us. And according to everything I hear from my in-laws, he comes by it honestly.
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