Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Daddy Time

Have I mentioned before what an amazing dad my husband is? I know I have, but I just can't say how thankful I am for him and the way he loves our son. Watching them play together is one of my favorite things in the world because they are both so happy in the midst of their time together.

Here are pictures from two of their recent trips to our favorite park. The first is when they met Daddy's friend and his sons there one evening to see animals in a wildlife refuge. Notice Mr. Mister's very own, little man sized headlamp. The second picture is at the same park early on a Friday morning. They went there at 7:30am before Daddy had to start work for the day.

Here's a quick story from when they went to the wildlife refuge. A deer came walking through the field and everyone else got real quiet so they wouldn't scare it away. Just as a man said, shhh, Mr. Mister yelled very loudly, "Holy Tamoley!" Thankfully, everyone laughed. I guess that's a 2 year old in the woods for you!
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Megan said...

haha. I especially like the head lamp:)

Nancy said...

I agree, Mr. Mister's dad loves his son unconditionally and it is SO fun to watch them together.Sometimes I wonder which one is the kid!