Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Weekend Away

Last year, after going to a Weekend To Remember marriage conference, we decided that we wanted to spend one weekend a year really investing in our marriage. It is the foundation of our family and unless we are intentional in building into that foundation, life tends to distract us and cause us to become complacent. We value our marriage so much and really believe that a strong marriage is one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids!

So anyway, this weekend was our marriage weekend. Our weekend away. Without the little man. And it was wonderful. It doubled as our babymoon - a little time by ourselves before we re-enter the crazy world of newborn things and little sleep.

We spent the weekend downtown while Mr. Mister stayed with Grandma and Nonno. We were a little sad to say goodbye to him, but we knew he'd have fun with his grandparents. They did a lot of playing outside, read books, did crafts, went to McDonald's for lunch and out for ice cream. And watched a little college basketball :)

Daddy and I had such a fun time just being together. It was a great combination of rest, fun, and good conversations. Our hotel was at the base of a big park and Saturday was beautiful, so we spent a lot of time outside. It was really freeing to not be tied to nap and bedtime schedules. We even got dressed up and went out to dinner at 8:00. Because we could. Imagine outside the house after 8pm.

We definitely felt restored by our time away. It's amazing how just a short time away from life and toddler can be so refreshing! But, of course, it was good to see Mr. Mister again and to be back together at home.

A HUGE thank you to Grandma and Nonno for enjoying the little man for a weekend and making this happen. We're already looking forward to Marriage Weekend 2011!

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