Monday, December 7, 2009

Big Boy Underwear

The other day Mr. Mister was laying on his back about to get a new diaper on when he said, "Mr. Mister need to use the potty!" He jumped up, ran to his little froggy potty and went #1! It was the first time he initiated using the potty. I was so excited. (I'd love to have him potty trained by the time Baby #2 comes along!)

So we bought some Thomas big boy underwear as a little bit of a motivation. He was super excited to try them on. I'm not sure if I should really be posting these pictures of my son on the internet, but they are just so cute!

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The Hamons said...

oh my gosh, that's adorable!!!

Elizabeth said...

hahah i love how he has his shoes on!

Karen said...

Yes! The shoes definitely complete the outfit!

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to chat about little boys message my wicker


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...