Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Here are some funny conversations we've had lately.

1. When Mr. Mister prayed for our dinner the other night, he said, "Thank you for our feet." I asked him afterward if he meant, "Thank you for our food." He said, "No, our feet!" I guess we should be thankful for those, too!

2. He always wants to use my makeup, so we talk often about how only girls wear make up. To make it a little clearer, I listed all his uncles and grandpas as examples of people who don't wear makeup. Here was our conversation that followed:
Me: "Why don't they wear makeup?"
Mr.: "Because they are mans."
Me: "That's right, they're men."
Mr.: "No, mans."

I love the language development process. He always makes me laugh!

3. The other night, Grandma and Nonno were putting him to bed at their house and my mom said, "Okay, let's put your pajamas on" (pronouncing it pa-jah-mas). Mr. Mister said, "No, not pa-jah-mas, pa-ja-mas!" They started laughing about how to say that word and Mr. Mister finally got mixed up and decided that we wear bananas to bed!

1 comment:

hawleykj said...

So funny. I think A got confused about the pajamas word the other day, too. I love when he corrects me as if he knows so much more about the English language than I do. So funny!