A couple people recommended that I use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser when Mr. Mister colored on my newly painted wall. I had already cleaned the crayon off the wall using a baking soda mixture, but got a Magic Eraser just in case it happened again, which it did.
I have to say that it was seriously amazing. The crayon came off right away without any scrubbing. So I started using it to clean other marks on my walls and doors. I was so excited I kept saying, "This is amazing!" Mr. Mister thought that was funny and repeated something that sounded like "amazing!" over and over.
I feel like I could have been their spokesperson that day! I had black marks on my white front and back doors from all the dirty fingers over the years. I've tried to clean them many times and was ready to paint them because I couldn't get the marks off. But the Magic Eraser came to the rescue and wiped it clean like it was nothing.
So I'm a big fan and highly recommend it. A friend said that the generic brand works just as well too.
Oh yes. I learned of the magic eraser when I worked at a daycare. We used them all the time and they are as good as people make them out to be! One year I asked for them for Christmas! Seeing as they're about a billion dollars.
oh yeah! I love that eraser.. (the generic kind) I use it to grime out of the tub!!
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