A friend recently told me to make sure to write down all the funny things Mr. Mister says as he learns to talk because she didn't do it with her daughter and wishes she could remember everything. So I'm going to blog more of his comments because if I don't write them down here, I probably won't do it.
- (background info - last Friday night, Daddy and I went out to dinner and then to a surprise party for a friend of mine. Our friend Leah babysat with her friend Erin.) So a couple nights ago, almost a week since our night out, I was reading Mr. Mister a book before bed. He told me, "Erin read book. Leah rock. Mommy Daddy hot date." !!!
- If you ask him hold old he is, he says, "almost 2." I wonder if when he turns two (Aug. 22nd!) he'll understand that he doesn't say almost anymore.
- We've been trying to speak more Spanish to him. I taught him "Como te llamas?" which means, "What's your name?" He knows to answer with his first name. But now whenever I say anything else in Spanish, he quickly responds with, "Mr. Mister." (using his real name). I think he just knows when Mom says something I don't understand, just answer with my name!
- He says, "moey moey" for holy moly, "dumpy dumpy" for humpty dumpty, and "dokey dokey" for hokey pokey.
- Remember the yay song we listen to all the time? Well the CD has been in Daddy's Jeep so every time he has asked for it in my car recently, we haven't been able to listen to it. The other day we were driving and he said, "Mr. Mister miss yay car." Translation: I miss listening to the yay song in the car!
- He mostly refers to himself by his first name, but is now kind of learning pronouns. But there's still some confusion...after he does something he's proud of, he says, "My did it!" (instead of I did it!).
- At the bank the other day, I was signing the back of my check and he said, "Mommy write name." So of course he then wanted to write his name. So he scribbled on a deposit slip and said, "A, R, O, O, O" (which is how he spells his name). Then handed the paper to the teller. He was so proud!
- When he's looking for someone or something, he says, "Are you?" Like, "Shoes, are you?" or "Diego, are you?" (looking for the library DVD we can't find!)
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