Tomorrow we go home. We've been gone nearly eight weeks. It is definitely bittersweet...a happy-sad day, as they used to say in the Cabbage Patch Kids book my mom read to me when I was little. I know it will be good to be home and I am excited to see people we haven't seen all summer. We love and have missed our family and community there. And I can't wait to see our house...some pretty amazing people took it on as a big project this summer and we have no idea everything they have done except that it will be an incredibly beautiful blessing. So there is much to look forward to.
But we are sad to leave as well. It's hard to leave the day to day life of being in this journey with our family here. It's been a summer of love and growth for everyone and our relationships here have deepened tremendously. It has been such a gift for my husband to spend his days with his dad and for us to live daily life with my sister-in-law and her family. We really love them and have so enjoyed the time we have had with them. Can you believe that after eight weeks of living together, we are all sad that the summer is over?
So we head home knowing that this transition is just as much a part of our journey as coming here was. We trust that the Lord goes before us and is with us and is our rear guard as we go home just as He was when we left. We pray that the spiritual growth that took place in us this summer...the depth of our relationships with Jesus that I believe can only happen in desert seasons of life...we pray that that would remain even as we settle back in again. We know He will continue to work even after we leave and we continue to trust as we anticipate what is to come.
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