Sunday, June 9, 2013

KR Graduation

This school year flew by.  I know it will only go faster from here.
Mr. Mister had a great year in his Kindergarten Readiness class (don't call it preschool or you will be corrected!).  It was a class for late five year olds and we ended up being very happy with our decision to send him here instead of kindergarten this year.

He did so well and my favorite report from his teacher was that he was always very kind and compassionate to the other students, aware of their needs and always willing to help.  Hooray!  That brings joy to my heart for a couple reasons.  He has always had a compassionate heart, but the intensity of his emotions has often interfered with acting kindly toward other kids.  He has come a very long way in his self control and I am so proud of him for how he has grown in this. 

Also, I would rather have every teacher praise his heart towards others before they praise his academic ability.  Yes, I want him to learn and flourish in knowledge.  But way more important to me is that other kids would see Jesus in him at school.  That's what we pray for every day on the way to school and is a huge factor in our choice to send him to public school.  This kid is a leader and an influencer, bold and confident.  We are praying that he uses those giftings for the good of the Kingdom.  That may sound like big vision for a five year old going into kindergarten but I am convinced that one of our greatest roles as parents is to see our kids as who they will become and call out life and lead them into that. 

That being said, here are cute pictures from his graduation with his teachers and friends. 
We were blessed with some great relationships this year.


And a picture of the last day of school ice cream treat!  This was a tradition Daddy and his dad had and one that will surely be carried on in our family.  I love the look on his face!

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