Our girlie is now 16 months. I stopped the monthly updates when she turned one so I thought it was time to document some pictures and milestones before her childhood gets away from me.
A while back we started calling her Daisy, a nickname that started from how Mr. Newton originally said her name. It has stuck and I often wonder if she thinks she has two names. So from here on out, she will be Daisy on the blog, too.
This little girl is growing up so fast. She is beautiful and her personality is emerging....strongly! Our peaceful one ends up to have a lot of spirit in her! In a very loving way, she's a bruiser. She thinks she's as big as her brothers and tries to keep up with them in activity and noise. We always joke that we're working on getting our kids to express themselves a little more. Wonder where they get that from...

She is also fearless and already so adventurous. It makes me a little nervous sometimes, like when she saw the pool for the first time and started backing right in without a second thought. She stands on top of her little slide in the backyard without holding on, lets go of the handle bars when I'm pushing her on her bike (strapped in), giggles and kicks when the boys push her fast in her baby swing or little red car, stands on their skateboard and goes down the big slides at the park without hesitation.
A while back we started calling her Daisy, a nickname that started from how Mr. Newton originally said her name. It has stuck and I often wonder if she thinks she has two names. So from here on out, she will be Daisy on the blog, too.
This little girl is growing up so fast. She is beautiful and her personality is emerging....strongly! Our peaceful one ends up to have a lot of spirit in her! In a very loving way, she's a bruiser. She thinks she's as big as her brothers and tries to keep up with them in activity and noise. We always joke that we're working on getting our kids to express themselves a little more. Wonder where they get that from...

She is also fearless and already so adventurous. It makes me a little nervous sometimes, like when she saw the pool for the first time and started backing right in without a second thought. She stands on top of her little slide in the backyard without holding on, lets go of the handle bars when I'm pushing her on her bike (strapped in), giggles and kicks when the boys push her fast in her baby swing or little red car, stands on their skateboard and goes down the big slides at the park without hesitation.

She is taking her time walking. She went through a period of at least trying to walk most places but now is back to crawling. I know she can do it but I think she likes to go faster crawling. I'm in no rush though...once they walk, they run and that makes it harder to keep up with all three!
She is kind of a picky eater and I struggle to get healthy foods in her. She loves her snacks (third born...started eating snacks way before the boys ever did). She does not like meat (I'm secretly okay with that) but loves hummus and cheese so I feel like she does okay on protein. Fruits and veggies are hit or miss but are getting better. And I am making more smoothies for her so I can sneak good things in!

She may not be able to walk, but this girl can talk. She has a lot of words and can imitate pretty much anything we ask her to day. She recently started trying two word phrases like bye bye dada! So sweet.
This picture below is one of my favorites. She has a new love for flipping through books (yay!). Reading books is one of my favorite things to do with the kids and it makes me so happy to see them love reading. I think she looks like such a big girl looking at her own book!

One of my favorite things about her is that as soon as she hears worship music, she puts her little hand up in the air and starts dancing. It's not only cute, but I really believe God has already given her a heart for worship. I love that.
Love you, Daisy!