You are three years old!

This is a picture of the beautiful day God gave you for your birthday this year.
This is a picture of the beautiful day God gave you for your birthday this year.
You are so loved! Tonight at dinner we went around and said what we love about you:
Your smile and laughter and cute faces and funny things you say and how you love to sing and how you're getting big but still love to cuddle and that your best friend is a ragged orange dog and that you're just our cute three year old who adds so much joy to our family.
When you woke up from your nap you asked, "Am I still three?"
Yes, love, you will be three for a while. But I can't believe you are getting so big.
I was telling you today about when you were born and why we gave you the name we did. It reminds us to trust God even in the hardest times and even when He asks us to do things that seem crazy, because He is always faithful. So thank you for being a constant reminder of that truth. And thank you for being full of laughter and giggles and joy. You make me so happy. I love you and bless you this coming year - may you live fully in the knowledge that you are loved by us and even more extravagantly by your heavenly Father, who intricately created you to be fearfully and wonderfully made!
I love you sweet one.

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