Now that it is beautiful outside, I wonder how we made it through such a long and cold winter! I was so thankful to be in our new house with more space this year. Our playroom got a lot of use and kept the kids entertained and happy for a long time. Toward the end of the winter, though, we were all going a little stir crazy so we had to get creative. I thought I'd document some of the things we did to pass the days.
Playing in the snow
Playing in the snow

Playing in the muscle room at Mr. Mister's school. This indoor playroom was such a great way to burn energy without having to bundle up!

Science experiments. Really basic stuff like what sinks and floats, the old baking soda and vinegar volcano (add dish soap for more bubbles!), adding food coloring to whole milk then adding a drop of dish soap and watching the colors swirl, making igloos, and making butter! The butter was so delicious.

One day as we were putting different things in the water to decide what would sink and float, Mr. Mister said, "This is so awesome! I bet no other kids are having this much fun!" Haha. So easy to please sometimes.
And now it is finally spring! So we can got to the park instead, which we did today. Yay!
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