To my Little Miss,
You are almost one! I visited a newborn last week and couldn't believe that's how tiny you were not that long ago. Now you are like a little girl.
You started walking behind your pushing/walker toy and do it so proudly with a big smile.
You also learned to climb all the way up the stairs all by yourself.
You talk a lot with cute baby sounds that sound like you're having a real conversation.
You also love to dance and give great hugs and kisses!
I know I say this every month, you really love your brothers and find such great joy in being with them. On this day, you were sitting in Mr. Mister's lap and when I tried to take you, you cried. When I put you back, you smiled and rested contentedly in his lap. You both loved sitting together!
You discovered the sandbox (and only ate a little sand) and you went for your first bike ride. You LOVED it, happily kicking your feet the whole way.
You had your first handful of dirt (and liked it!).
I like that you can wear a tutu and eat dirt at the same time.
Lastly, I have to note that you earned a new nickname recently - The Destroyer.
You delight in knocking down anything your brothers build and enjoy standing by the toy bins, throwing everything to the floor.
You may be sweet, but you are tough.
That's good - you have to be tough to keep up around here!
I love you, sweet girl! I love your smile and voice and cuddles and laughter and joy.
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