Friday, November 30, 2012

9 Months

We're rounding the corner to a year!

As you can see, Miss S loves to stand now, especially by the front window where she watches the world go by.  She tries to pull up on most things and looks like she wants to start cruising but can't make herself move quiet yet.  

She got all four top front teeth at one time, which has made for a nice long stretch of waking up again at night.  Those teeth are just starting to show when she cries or laughs and she looks like such a big girl with a smile that's no longer just gums.

She also loves to babble and does an adorable fake sneeze that's always followed by big smiles and giggles.  We're moving more into finger food, which is fun but messy.  I do get excited about her being able to eat more of what we eat.  It makes life a little easier.

And of course, she loves her brothers and is so loved by them.  They always want her to come in their beds with them and she squeals in delight to join them.  Her smile doesn't get bigger than when she sees those boys! 
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1 comment:

Karen said...

Oh how she's growing up! It's funny to compare her now to the picture on the right hand side of your blog "our newest addition." She's so much bigger now! And, she looks a lot like you as a baby in the crib picture!