Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Preschool Graduation

Mr. Mister graduated from preschool a couple weeks ago!  They had a nice program where they sang some songs and then gave each student a flower and a diploma.  When they called Mr. Mister's name, he ran and jumped into his teacher's arms for a big bear hug!

I'm so proud of my little guy.  He did really well in school this year and made a lot of new friends. He was especially sad to say goodbye to his new BFF in the picture below.  Mr. Newton thinks he is best friends with them, too!

I am glad to have the freedom of summer without having to be somewhere, but I was sad for the year to end  because I had a lot of fun becoming friends with the other moms.  Unfortunately, because the kids in this school come from a few different school districts, Mr. Mister won't be going on to school with most of his friends.

Also, because he turns 5 at the end of the summer, we had to decide between starting kindergarten this year when he would be almost a whole year younger than the other kids and waiting til he turns 6.  We decided to wait.  He will do a Kindergarten Readiness class for three days a week this coming year, which is more intense than preschool but not quite kindergarten.  We feel really good about the decision and think it is the best fit for him.

 All this talk about Kindergarten makes me realize how fast he is growing up!  It also reminds me that in my post partum craziness after Mr. Mister was born, I cried because I thought he'd be going to college soon. Haha. Good thing we're not even to Kindergarten yet! 
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