One of the things I love love love about the stage Mr. Mister is in is that he still wants to marry me someday. It is so sweet. He often gets the jacket from his ring bearer suit on or another less official groom-like costume (see picture below) and asks if we can get married. I walk down the aisle and we repeat after Daddy that we will love and honor and respect each other and then he kisses his mommy and we do a little slow dance. That is everything he has gathered from the two weddings he has been to. I love it and will be so sad when he wants to marry a girl from school someday instead of me.

These times also redeem comments like this one:
As he cried when Daddy had to leave for a meeting the other night, I asked him, "Why don't you cry like that when I leave?"
His answer:
"Well, I like you. But I like Daddy better because he wrestles!"
I guess if you ask a question you have to be ready for the answer! It is true that a pregnant mommy is not good for wrestling. but I still make a good bride for my little guy.
These times also redeem comments like this one:
As he cried when Daddy had to leave for a meeting the other night, I asked him, "Why don't you cry like that when I leave?"
His answer:
"Well, I like you. But I like Daddy better because he wrestles!"
I guess if you ask a question you have to be ready for the answer! It is true that a pregnant mommy is not good for wrestling. but I still make a good bride for my little guy.
This may just be one of my favorite blog posts. But do I say that on every one?
Is Mr. Newton the musician?
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