This little boy is so sweet.'s the best word to describe him. He smiles and giggles all the time - he has become his name (check out what his real name means if you have a second).

Two of my favorite things that he does right now are how he backs up into my lap to sit and read a book and how he nods or shakes his head when I ask him questions. When he nods to say yes, he gets a big smile and exaggerates the nod as if he is glad I finally figured out what he wanted.

And today, this sweet boy had his first timeout on the steps, just like his big brother. It was actually really cute to watch him. We told him to go to the steps and he walked right over there. Then we said sit and he sat and just looked at us until we said he could get up.
And our first thought, after smiling at him being sweet even in timeout, was "WHAT?! This really happens? Kids actually just walk to timeout, sit there, and then get up when they are told to?" Oh I hope this lasts! Because this mama can't handle round two of what we've been through (and still go through daily) with our beloved spirited first child who is going to do amazing things and impact the world in great ways someday because of the spirit God created him with.
Two of my favorite things that he does right now are how he backs up into my lap to sit and read a book and how he nods or shakes his head when I ask him questions. When he nods to say yes, he gets a big smile and exaggerates the nod as if he is glad I finally figured out what he wanted.
And today, this sweet boy had his first timeout on the steps, just like his big brother. It was actually really cute to watch him. We told him to go to the steps and he walked right over there. Then we said sit and he sat and just looked at us until we said he could get up.
And our first thought, after smiling at him being sweet even in timeout, was "WHAT?! This really happens? Kids actually just walk to timeout, sit there, and then get up when they are told to?" Oh I hope this lasts! Because this mama can't handle round two of what we've been through (and still go through daily) with our beloved spirited first child who is going to do amazing things and impact the world in great ways someday because of the spirit God created him with.
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