Monday, August 1, 2011


We are so excited to find out what our baby is...on Feb. 15th (or around then!).  We love not knowing ahead of time. I know everyone is different in this, but we love the anticipation and the waiting. I really feel like it makes me more disciplined in waiting on God.  It makes me give up a lot of control and brings me so much peace in knowing that the Lord is creating this little one in my womb with specific plans and purposes for him or her that are not dependent on my plans and purposes.

I think it's funny when people ask if I'm hoping for a girl this time.  I don't think it's very wise to hope either way because how sad would it be to be disappointed when your baby is born? We don't have much of a choice in it anyway (thankfully).   So we are excited to wait to see if we will be adding some pink to our truck and dirt filled lives or if I will be even more outnumbered in this house.

I can honestly say that either way we will be thrilled.  If we have a girl, it will be a new kind of adventure and I'll get to buy some of those cute little girl dresses that I always look at on my way to boring pants and shirts (but I can almost guarantee that she'll be sword fighting in those dresses by the time she can walk).   If it's a boy, the clothes may remain boring, but my life will certainly not.  We'll just add another buddy for these brothers and I'll continue to embrace my life of boy adventures!


Elizabeth said...

i feel like we have the same blog post today... except for I am the opposite of you. I love finding out. I feel like I can be better bonded with my baby. I love how we are coming over right after my appointment.. if you dont want to know what I am having I wont tell ya! ;)

michelle said...
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