Monday, July 11, 2011


Over the past couple weeks Mr. Newton's attempts at language have grown tremendously.  He tries to say a lot of what he hears us say and even though a stranger wouldn't be able to distinguish his words, I can tell what he's trying to say.  

His first and favorite word was Dada, followed closely by milk, his second love.

Then we've had uh-oh and yuck, which are super cute to hear him say.  The funniest word he says is cheers as he hits his cup with someone else's at dinner.  Over and over. As many times as anyone is willing to do it.

He'll repeat other random words like push and occasionally Mama.  I don't know why that one has taken so long!

And he finally started using his signs!  I have been trying for a long time to teach him simple signs like more, please, and water.  I am so excited he is finally doing them - it cuts way down on the amount of screaming we hear at meal times!  

Mr. Mister continues to speak like a 10 year old, most recently asking some deep questions like, Where was I before I was born?  How did God make meHow did I come out of your belly?  Thankfully, he was content with the The doctor helped take you out for that one!   He really is good company and a great little guy to have a conversation with!

I do love the little things he says that keep him sounding three (almost four!).  Like when he talks about his binoculars, he calls them his bee-noc-lee-ars.  

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

aw so sweet! I love your boys.. glad mister mister was okay with the doctor answer to the one question...
I got Henry to sign really fast by feeding him Cheetos when he was 10 months old. I would give him one everytime he would say more or please... its unhealthy but it worked like a charm!