Monday, June 20, 2011


Maybe someday I will start blogging little things more often instead of combining entire months into one post.  Here are some pics of things we've been up to this summer.  

We don't really go anywhere.  Between Mr. Newton's morning nap, lunch, and afternoon naps, we don't have a very big window.  Usually going somewhere fun means sacrificing Mr. Newton's morning nap, which I'm not willing to do very often.  But, I'm perfectly content being at home and both boys are too.  So we have fun here!

Digging for worms...they love digging in the dirt!  Mr. Mister loves asking me with a sly smile if I want to hold the worms he has in his hand.  I'll dig but I don't want to hold anything we find!

Drumming.  There is always drumming going on around here. As soon as music comes on, four arms start moving up and down on the air drum. Mr. Mister could literally drum to music all day.

Swimming!  In our neighborhood pool or the little plastic one we fill up in our yard or at Grandma and Nonno's.  Or playing in the hose. Anything with water makes these boys happy.

Bean ball bocce - perfect for kids.  Thanks to our wonderful neighbor, Miss Nancy, for letting us borrow it.

Oh, look!  We did go somewhere adventurous. An indoor/outdoor play place that was lots of fun with our cousins.

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