Wednesday, May 25, 2011

4am Dragons

When Mr. Mister wakes up in the middle of the night, he is amazingly coherent. A couple nights ago, he woke up at 4am to go to the bathroom.  He unzipped his sleeper and took his feet out of it so that it was just on his arms with the rest hanging down his back.  This immediately became a cape and the adventure began.

"I am wearing a cape and I am fighting the dragon!" he said in a hero tone of voice on his way to the bathroom.  He made some sword-swinging motions with some sound effects and then made it to the bathroom and took care of business.

At 4am I am barely opening my eyes to make sure he makes it to the potty okay.  But to this little adventurer, dragons still need to be slayed even in the middle of the night.  I love the imagination and the boyness that is in that.

1 comment:

The Hamons said...

That is awesome! Love his creative spirit.