Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Skate With the Hawks

For Christmas, I gave Daddy two Miami hockey tickets so he could take Mr. Mister to his first ever hockey game.  They went last Saturday and had so much fun that they came home asking for tickets again next Christmas.

Because it was the last game of the regular season, they had "Skate with the Hawks" after the game.  The players came back out onto the ice to skate with all of the fans.

Mr. Mister was pretty excited to have "single skates" as he calls them. The skates we bought him are double runners to help with balance, so he felt like a pro with regular skates on.

The college guys loved him.  But he was more excited to skate with his daddy than with a future professional.
(#16 above  has already signed with the NHL)

The Miami student section does a chant every time the Redhawks score a goal.  Here is a video of Mr. Mister doing the chant that they did after Miami's third goal of the night...

In case you didn't catch all those words, it goes:

One, two, three
We want more goals!
Sieve, sieve, sieve.*
It's all your fault! It's all your fault! It's all your fault!**

*If you don't know what sieve means, look it up here.
**The "it's all your fault" chant is yelled directly at the other team's goalie.

If you want to see the chant in action, check out this video live from the MU student section.  It's pretty intense.

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1 comment:

Nancy said...

No wonder Mr. Mister was WIDE awake at 11pm! What a great experience. Thanks for sharing the pictures and video.