I have realized that having boys and all that it entails is only compounded by having a husband who loves adventure and risk and out of the box living and who is still a boy at heart.
Are you ready for a glimpse into my life?
Daddy came upstairs after he was done working and had the idea to build an ice rink in our backyard. That is a crazy idea in general, but even crazier if you know how big (or not big) or backyard is. It's tiny. And not much of a yard, mostly a patio with some garden area around it. And by garden area I mean mulch that is home to a sandbox and a wagon and balls and bats and a plethora of other toys. Not flowers like it used to be in Life B.C. (before children).
Anyway....he wants to build an ice rink. He explained that he would make it really small, in the side mulch area so I approved and set out making dinner.
Then I looked out and noticed that our patio furniture was moved off of the patio into the designated mulch area that was supposed to be the rink. That leaves....the entire patio to be the rink. This patio also happens to be our main walk way for exiting our house to get to our cars.
Am I the only one who thinks this is crazy? In this family, yes I am. I tried to fight back with logic, but nothing was going to match the boy-like smile of excitement on my husband's face. I don't think he heard a word I said. He was too busy laying out the wood and making his plans. And Mr. Mister was out there right alongside him, hammering away with his tools.
So I'm off to make dinner...not sure what's happening out there. But I'll be sure to report back! I wonder what the neighbors will think...
don't forget to take a picture! and i hope the hoa doesn't stop by anytime soon. sure that wouldn't be approved :)
Ha. I know. If they say anything, I think he's planning on pointing out that the bylaws do not directly prohibit ice rinks. We'll see how that goes over!
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