As any little kid would do, Mr. Mister woke up on Sunday very excited about wearing his Halloween costume. So, we let him wear it to church. I wonder if this would be seen as unacceptable in many other churches. I love that it was completely okay at ours.
Daddy left early with Mr. Mister while I finished getting Mr. Newton and myself ready.
So I was walking into church at 10:30, right as it was beginning, and I hear Daddy's voice on the microphone saying something along the lines of, "And today we want just want to experience the Lord. Even if He reveals Himself through a little kid in a dragon costume."
I thought, "Oh no, what is going on?" And I turned the corner to see this:

The first worship song was Our God, Mr. Mister's specialty. He knows every word and sings it with much enthusiasm. So our good friends who were leading worship that day let him sing with them into a microphone (not turned on!). In his dragon costume.
I could not stop laughing every time I looked at him. He ended up staying up there the whole 30 minutes or so, trying his best to sing along with all the songs.
At one point, he caught my eye and waved and said, "Hi, Mom!" really loud. Adorable.
Oh, and today when I picked him up from his class (we are now into the second session which includes Children's Choir - perfect for him!), his teacher told me that he sang Our God for the class last week. She said, "There was no stopping him. He sang every word."
Oh, Mr. Mister, I just love you. I am excited to see what God is going to do with your life!
oh my gosh, i can't stand it - that is AWESOME! EVERY part! I would STILL be beaming if that was my boy!
I love how God made Mr. Mister.
Good thing he didnt growl at people like he did at me the other day!! ROOOWWARRR
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