Hey everyone! Remember me?

I last made a star appearance on this blog when I learned how to smile. That seems like ages ago. I'm a pro now and I even have a cute little giggle now to go with my big smile. It doesn't take much to get me going...some kisses on the cheek, a funny face or noise, or just my mommy looking at me. That always makes me happy.
I last made a star appearance on this blog when I learned how to smile. That seems like ages ago. I'm a pro now and I even have a cute little giggle now to go with my big smile. It doesn't take much to get me going...some kisses on the cheek, a funny face or noise, or just my mommy looking at me. That always makes me happy.
Well, I'll be 4 months next week so I told my mom, "Hey mom, can I get a blog name? This waiting around is getting a little ridiculous." She said something about being indecisive and wanting to find the perfect name. But I told her to just go with something. I mean, it's just a blog name. I already have a pretty sweet real name.
So here I am, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Newton. That's it. The first name she thought of when I was born and the one she's finally sticking with after coming up with a million others. It's not flashy, but it gets the job done. And if you don't see any kind of connection, think a little harder. Or ask my mom.
My most recent news:
- I can roll over from my back to my belly.
- I had my first sickness. I caught a cough from my brother. It wasn't very fun, but I'm pretty much over it now.
- I'm about 18 pounds. If you don't know, that's pretty big for a baby my age. I love that milk.
- Every once in a while my dad tries to give me this thing they call a bottle. I'm not having any of that - I know it's not the real thing. They should have tried it when I was little, like a month old, when I didn't know any better. So far, I'm more stubborn than they are. We'll see who wins.
Well, I'm glad to finally share some blog love with my big brother.
The tale of two misters.
The tale of two misters.
love, love, love the new blog look! and good choice of name. it's nice to see that sweet baby face up on the blog :) can't wait to see you tomorrow.
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