Monday, June 7, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Today was Mr. Mister's first day of swimming lessons. He loves to swim. He wakes up every morning and asks to go to the pool. One day this summer, he spent 2 straight hours in my parents' pool. So he was super excited about swimming lessons and he even squealed with excitement as we pulled into the parking lot this morning. But then, for some reason, he was kind of out of it during the lesson. I think he was a little distracted by the big blue water slide that was nearby. He has great memories of riding it at the end of swimming lessons last year. It may be a long two weeks trying to keep him focused in his class!
I do know that he had fun because tonight, about an hour after we put him to bed, I went to check on him and he rolled over and said, "Can we go to swimming lessons?" He thought it was the morning!
Thanks to Daddy for braving the chilly morning and cold water today...

And here is the real reason he comes... these are the fun things they get to play on for the last 5 minutes of class.

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1 comment:

Megan said...

So cute! After thinking about it, we might wait until the last session to take Mary...for the coldness factor. Thanks for informing us about these classes though!