Thursday, January 7, 2010

No Mommy!

Last night as we were going to bed, we heard Mr. Mister yell out in his sleep, "No, Mommy!" It made me laugh - he must have been dreaming about our days together! He shouts that lovely phrase more than once a day, along with multiple variations of "Don't do that!" (Don't close the door, don't say no, etc.) and other commands that make me wonder who the parent is.

I have to remind myself that this is part of being two and that like everything else, it is just a season. To keep myself laughing when I get really tired of being yelled at by my two year old, I think of telling all of these stories to his wife some day. I'm sure we'll all laugh about it then, so I try to laugh about it now. (I'm not always successful).

I hope this doesn't sound like I just roll over and let him run the house. We are really working on his use of nice words and what are and are not appropriate ways to talk to people. But I just know that 2 year olds don't always know nice ways to say things or what is and isn't appropriate. That's our job as parents to teach him. Which is just one of the things that makes parenting arguably the hardest job in the world.

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