Maybe it's the fact that it's midnight or that I'm pregnant and emotional or that or that I feel really encouraged by hanging out with some great friends tonight, or maybe it's because it was one of those days that I felt the conflicting emotions of my incredible love for Mr. Mister and the challenges of his strong will.....but for whatever reason, I'm feeling reflective. And I had a realization.
I love Mr. Mister for who he is.
A lot of people see his entertaining, funny, sweet, and charming side. I tend to see (and focus too much on) the challenges that come from his strong, strong will and his personality that can be so different from mine. I see how he's always the kid running away, not coming when I ask him to, screaming when he's told no, yelling "NO, Mommy," hitting me when he's frustrated, doing what I am clearly asking him not to do, hitting other kids for no reason, breaking something in our house, etc. And on the days that it feels like
everything is a battle, I wonder how God expects me to be his mom. I know that sounds harsh. It's a vulnerable admission. But honestly, it can be so hard.
But I realized tonight that I don't want him to be any different. He is intimately hand crafted by the Creator, the One who has perfectly equipped me and designed me to be his mother. Mr. Mister's strong will does not just exist to bring me to the end of my rope. It is
who he is. And the One who knit him together in my womb created that exact will with purpose far beyond what I know. I am confident that that very will that is so strong in Mr. Mister will be used for eternal purposes in the Kingdom of God in ways that will make me fall to my knees in thanksgiving for who my son has become some day.
At church on Sunday, a woman told us that the previous week in the 2 year old class, a boy was crying and Mr. Mister went over to him, hugged him, and rubbed his arm out of such concern for his sadness. It brought tears to my eyes. And it reminded me how
every single time someone gets hurt, the very first thing Mr. Mister does is go over and pray for them. He says, "Jesus, Daddy's foot feels better. Thank you, Lord. Amen." His compassion and empathy for other people is amazing.
And today, a light bulb went on for me when Mr. Mister was crying as I tried to put him in time out. He finally told me that he was sad because he didn't listen to me. I was shocked. I always thought he cried when I disciplined him because he was mad at me...that his escalating screaming was directed at me. But really, he was just so sad because he made a bad choice.
It's rare for such tenderness and such a strong will to coexist in such great magnitudes in the same person. So I know that it's the perfect design of a perfect Father who has perfect plans for this boy. And his mom, who is growing so much in the process. Does that make the tantrums easy to deal with? Does it make it okay that he doesn't always listen or that he can be randomly aggressive toward other kids? No. But it gives me so much hope. And it makes me love him for who he is. Not who I want him to be or who I think he should be or who he is compared to other people's kids. I just love him. Strong will and all.