Thursday, November 12, 2009


Faced with a cold morning and no plans, I made the daring move to take Mr. Mister shopping with me for maternity clothes. It wasn't miserable, but it definitely wasn't fun. Thankfully, with a few bribes for fruit snacks and stickers and the discovery of a random soccer ball in the corner of the store, we made it through without any tantrums. He did discover the fun of hiding in the clothes racks, so I had to quickly address that. After he realized he didn't want me to lose him, he stayed in my sight.

I really don't like the idea of buying maternity clothes. You have to buy a whole new wardrobe for only six or so months. So that's why I'm buying as few as possible and wearing sweatpants every day that I don't have to go anywhere important.

And the beauty of Gap Outlet with a 30% off coupon was a pair of pants, a sweater, and a dress for $14.00. A dress is a very random purchase for me, but I thought maybe I'll go to a wedding or a shower or somewhere fun to wear it before May. And if I don't, I've lost out on $1.40.


Amy Brunner said...

If you would like to borrow some clothes, I have some that I can lend you.

Lindsey said...

You made out like a bandit at the Gap Outlet!