Mr. Mister had his first overnight without mommy and daddy this weekend. He stayed with Nonno and Grandma Saturday night while we enjoyed a fun date to the Charter Day Ball, a dance held every three years at my college alma mater. We went my senior year (already 6 years ago!) before we were even engaged, so it was fun to go again. MU is celebrating its bicentenial this year, so it was extra special (and extra crowded...over 5,000 people in Millett Hall was a little much.) But we had a nice dinner and a fun night out and then slept in until 9:00 on Sunday...what a treat!
Mr. Mister did a great job at his grandparents' house. Cousin Ney Ney came over to play too and they shared toys, played together, and got along the whole time. It went so smoothly that my parents are excited to take him overnight again. Woohoo! We missed him but it sure was a nice little break.
Here are some pictures from the weekend...
Bags packed and ready to go.

He walked to my parents' door with a bouquet of flowers for my mom - she was nominated as Teacher of the Year for her building. We are so proud of her...she deserves the honor!!
Giving Grandma her flowers.
All dressed up.

1 comment:
Your dress is beautiful! I remember going 6 years ago--seems like forever!
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