Mr. Mister has a case of the runs. This morning he had a huge huge huge huge blowout. It was the grossest moment of parenting thus far. Newborn blowouts aren't fun, but at least they don't smell that bad. A toddler who eats everything we eat has some stink to his blowouts. It smelled so bad I really thought I was going to get sick. And I'm not usually that queasy with smells. Afterall, I spent entire summers working in garbage dumps.
So I was thankful that Daddy was home to help me. And thankful that Mr. Mister is still himself despite his rumbling tummy. He's chugging the Pedialyte (he thinks it's juice) and we're monitoring the diaper situation closely. I just keep putting sleepers on him so that I don't have to pull dirty clothes over his head when I change him.
The joys of parenting! And this is for sure not the last of these moments....
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