Thursday, October 30, 2008

Still Growing...

Last Saturday morning we woke up to a Mr. Mister who seemed to have grown up overnight. We couldn't really put our fingers on what exactly was different about him, but he seemed like such a big boy. Here are the newest happenings:
  • He's 100% walking now and walks around like he's the king.
  • He learns new words every day. His new favorite is no. We knew it had to come sometime. The cutest one is when you ask him what a doggie says, he says woof in the cutest voice possible.
  • He is starting to climb. He loves to get up on chairs, he tries to climb in the bathtub even when it's not bath time, and he climbs into the drawer under the stove with the pots and pans (and then cries because it's not comfortable and he can't get out.)
  • He's getting 3 molars. Maybe now he'll actually chew his food instead of just swallowing it.

Enjoy these pictures of our growing boy!

Showing off his untensil skills!

He knows where the cereal is at Grandma and Nonno's house and helps himself when no one is looking!

Enjoying the Cocoa Puffs that Grandma and Grandpa T sent. Isn't chocolate cereal what grandparents are for?

Sitting in the rocking chair and reading himself a book before bedtime.
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Anonymous said...

Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice...

Momma said...

He is beautiful! :)


hawleykj said...

I now understand why mom wasn't excited about us eating cookie crisp cereal when we went to NJ! But you are right... that's what grandparents are for!