Mr. Mister makes it very easy to be a mom and to enjoy being a mom. He smiles and laughs all day and he's very content most of the time. But I had a reality check on Friday when he screamed the entire hour we were in Kroger. He got tired of being in his car seat and he let me know. I took him out and held him, pushing the cart with one hand. But since he's 20 pounds and shopping carts don't have the best steering, that didn't last long. So I resigned to listening to him scream for the next hour. Thankfully, it was 11:00am on a Friday so it wasn't crowded, but I did feel like that mom who gets the not-so-subtle looks when her child won't stop crying. Unfortunately, there's no rationalizing with a baby and when the cart is half full already and you have company coming that day so you need groceries, there's no turning back.
The other reality check this weekend was Saturday and Sunday morning. We had stayed up until 1:30am both Friday and Saturday nights, talking with our friends who were in town visiting for the weekend. In the past when I would stay up that late, I would just sleep in a little later the next morning. But babies don't care how late you stayed up the night before. Mr. Mister still wanted to eat at 4am and since he went to sleep at 7:30 the night before, he was wide eyed and ready to go in the morning. And that's life with a baby.
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