Dear Mr. Newton,
You are quick to correct anyone who would suggest that you are just two. You are two
and a half...going on five. I forget sometimes how young you are because you keep up so well with your big brother and want to do
everything by yourself. We treasure you as our middle child - rough and tough with your brother but sweet and playful with your little sister.
One of my favorite things about you is your words. You make me laugh all the time with your mind that soaks everything in and processes life with such innocence. I will be sad when you stop saying "mine, yours, ours".... like this:
"now I know mine abc's"...
"is this yours coffee, Daddy?"
"This is ours house"
You and your orange dog are still best friends. He is now known as
do-do instead of Orange Juice because that's how you said it when you were little and it stuck. We have had many near losses and on the most recent one, you were laying in your crib crying, "I can't sleep without do-do!" Thankfully, we found him and life can go on.
Other things you love:
building with blocks
doing anything your big brother does!!
Things you don't like:
wearing long sleeves
wearing shoes
eating at the table - you'd rather sit on the floor
Your measurements:
80th percentile for weight
90th for height
80th for head.
I could fill this blog with funny things you have said or things I love about you. But here is just one more for now. About a month ago, you dislocated your elbow. You were in so much pain and as we sat in the ER, we were explaining to you that the doctor was going to take an x-ray of your arm. Then they could see inside of you to see your bones. Through tears and with a quivering voice, you looked up and said, "And Jesus?" because you knew that Jesus is inside of you and if they could see your bones, they must be able to see Jesus too. So sweet.
I love you, little man. You bring such joy and laughter to our family!