Hello, blog world. It's been a month, I know. I've had the thought to blog here and there and even started a post or two, but really, this was just a month where I couldn't keep my head above water so blogging took the back seat. I was actually tempted to give up on it altogether and had to laugh when I recently glanced back at my blogging history and saw how often I posted each month when Mr. Mister was little. And how I wrote about things like how the day was really hot. Ha. Add a couple more kids and I'm lucky to get a good picture up now. But I'm motivated again and hopeful to catch up a little bit on documenting what's going on in our lives. It's such a valuable resource for me to look back on and remember some of the little things that I would otherwise forget.
So....where to start. I'm overdue on a 9 month update, a 2.5 year update and most of the fall in general. I think I'll save those for the near future. I finally uploaded a couple month's worth of pictures onto my computer so I'll have some good ones to share.
I think to start I'll just go with the day after Thanksgiving statement that I am incredibly thankful for so many blessings in my life.
These three definitely top the list.
Mr. Mister, our intense little man who is creative & passionate about everything he does.
Mr. Newton, our laughter. So cute and always with a giant smile or giggle.
And our sweet girl - restful and joyful, as her name means. So thankful for the peace and joy she adds to our family.
And of course, my husband. Also passionate about everything he does, he has stretched me past my comfort zone over and over. He has vision far beyond what I see and what most of the world sees and he's willing to take big risks in order to make a big impact. It's not always comfortable, but it's certainly not boring.
and so many other things ... our families, health, a new home, daily provision, clean water, real community, deepening friendships, warm days in november, and on and on and on.
But most of all, I am thankful for the Rescue Plan. As I sit and type, I am listening to a playlist of every version of Oh Holy Night that I have on my computer. (for the record, I think David Crowder's is my fav). This song evokes in me such an awareness of the anticipation of the Great Rescue. The anticipation of all of creation awaiting the King. The Savior. The One who came to rescue us from sin and deception and death and from hopelessness, mundane living, rules and religion. To give us eternal hope and life and purpose. The gift of abundant life here and the promise of more to come, when everything will be made new. When there will be no more tears, fear, sadness, pain, sickness, striving, failing, or brokenness.
I am thankful for that. For Jesus. For hope and promise and life. Because as I watch life continue on, ending for some, beginning for others, I want to slow it down. But I can't. I can't slow it down, I can't change circumstances, I can't know what tomorrow will bring. In all of the uncertainty, I am incredibly thankful that God and His promises are certain. And I'm thankful that even in our sin and our pursuit of things other than our Creator, Jesus stepped into our mess, full of grace, to rescue us, redeem us and make us new.
So as I sit and plan advent activities for my kids and as we put up a Christmas tree and make our plans and gather with friends and family, I long to worship the King and celebrate God's extravagant love poured out in sending His Son to rescue His kids. In a culture that has made Christmas about gifts and food and good deals at the store, I want my heart to be set on the King. Who came. And is coming again.