Monday, April 30, 2012

Running the Bases

This past weekend we went to the Reds' game with my family and some relatives who were in town for my cousin's wedding.  We got off to a little bit of a rough start with a poopy blowout from the Little Miss right when we sat down.  As if that wasn't bad enough, we also opened the diaper bag to find that we had left the wipes in the car!  I passed that job off to Daddy and he did a great job improvising and changing her on a changing pad on the ground in front of our seats.  I found peanut shells in her dirty clothes when I put them in the wash!  What great memories from her first baseball game.

After that eventful beginning, we had a lot of fun.  Our seats were close to the field and the boys enjoyed yelling "Go Reds!"  I don't know if the people in front of us thought it was as cute as I did.

We got to see fireworks for a couple homeruns and at the end of the game because they won.  Then to top it all off, it was "run the bases" day!  Daddy, Uncle N, and the boys waited in a long line to go down on the field and run the bases.  They loved it and were so cute running on the big field.  Here they are afterwards.

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Two Months

I'm a little late on this one but on the 15th our Little Miss was 2 months old.
I'm sure I'll say this in every post but time sure does go fast. 
This is an iphone picture so it's not the best quality but I love it of her.
A friend gave me these leg warmers and I think they are the cutest.

She is such a beautiful girl and we are so blessed.

I don't think I ever wrote about her name. It's found at the end of several Psalms and while it's a hard word to define in English, it essentially means to stop and think about or meditate on what you've heard. My summary of the meaning is rest. 

A week before she was born, a friend called us and told us he was praying for our baby and felt like it was a girl and she would be our rest.  He had no idea the name we had already chosen.  I was so encouraged because I knew that was the Lord speaking to us and assuring us of the gift He was giving us.

And she has become her name!  She is very content and happy to take in the world around her. And so smiley.  I could just coo back and forth with her for hours.  Even though our days can be crazy with lots of action from her brothers, I make sure to get good cuddle time with her everyday.  I love this little girl!
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Family Pics

Here are some pictures of our family from Easter. 
I love the mohawk/Easter dress combination!

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Thursday, April 19, 2012


Mr. Mister likes to look at signs as we drive down the road and he wants to know what all of them mean.  Today he asked about the one with a grocery cart and a train.  Usually I can figure them out by his description even if I don't see it but I was stumped by that one.  I drove by it again later and made sure to look.  It was a picture of a fire engine indicating a fire station ahead.  Or a grocery cart and a train.

Further down the road he asked, "What is that sign with the 40?"  
My answer: "That is called the speed limit.  That's how fast I'm allowed to drive. 40 mile per hour."

And as soon as I gave that answer, I knew what was coming next....

"Is that how fast you're driving now, Mom?"

Ummm.... and I tried to figure out how to explain that even though I was going 45 it was okay because really you can go a little over the speed limit.  But that brings on a lot of issues - 1. It's not really okay even thought we all assume it is.  2. He wouldn't be okay with knowing I wasn't following the rules.  3.  It shows him that you don't really have to obey the rules.  

So I went with "No."  And that was good enough.  For now.  Good conviction, buddy.  And good thing you can't see my speedometer from where you sit all the way in the back!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


We escaped to the beach over spring break.  Despite a rough trip down there (including an unexpected overnight in Atlanta) we had a wonderful time.  We joined my parents there for the week and it was such a huge blessing to get away and have them to help us with the kids.  And although nothing will ever be extremely restful with three small kids, the week was a little respite from real life.

Miss S slept through her first visit to the ocean.
This picture makes me happy.
Getting some good Grandma time.
Peaceful dinner outside.

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Catching Up

I haven't blogged in three weeks!  It is not for lack of blog material, just lack of time to sit at the computer. I guess that is life with a newborn.  I will post lots of pictures soon - some from the trip we took to the beach a couple weeks ago and some from my everyday life just hanging out with the kids.  (It has taken me a while to stop referring to them as "the boys.")  They make me smile even on days like today when no one wanted to take a nap but Mommy.  Thankfully it has been so beautiful outside so I have been putting Miss S in the bouncer in the grass while I play with the misters.

Until I can post pictures, here are some funny things Mr. Mister has said lately...
  • When the boys were playing catch outside with a ball, Mr. Mister said, "Can you help us share because we just steal it from each other."  
  • When I asked him to take a break from his computer game and sit with his sister while I ran upstairs, he told me, "I am just so twisted up inside because I can't decide which one I want to do."  Haha - he is learning to express his feelings!
  • After he lost a privilege because of his disobedience and disrespect, I was telling him how our job as parents is to help him learn to make good choices now because when he grows up to be a man, the consequences for poor choices are a lot more serious.  He looked at me with tearful eyes and said, "I don't want to be a man!
And a funny Mr. Newton story, too....
  • Many nights after dinner we have dance parties - these boys love to dance.  Daddy downloaded some songs we have had fun dancing to at recent weddings, including one by Usher that has become a favorite.  After realizing that the boys would probably pick up on the not so great message of the song, I tried to put on some David Crowder Band songs to dance to.  Mr. Newton looked at me and said, No! to a few of those.  So I put on the Usher song and he got a huge smile on his face and started breaking it down.  Then in a restaurant, that song came on and Mr. Newton's ears perked up and he said, "My jam!"  
I decided that if any other little kid knew an Usher song I would wonder what the heck those parents were doing.  And now I am that parent.  It is a really fun song to dance to but I know we probably need to redeem our family dance time so we are starting to include some better songs into our playlist!