This has nothing to do with my baby....just an observation of our world. Readers Digest wrote an article about the new found dangers of bottled water. It's potentially bad for our bodies and for the environment. They encourage going back to tap water. So, I've regained my appreciation for the basket full of Nalgene water bottles we have in our kitchen. Fill those with tap water and reuse danger to my body, no harm to the environment.
But then today, I was reading an article in my Nutrition Action magazine about the chemical BPA that is found in many plastics and can leak into the food or liquid stored in them, which is harmful to our bodies. A common source of BPA? Nalgene water bottles.
So there you go...the dilemma of a world in which everything causes something. I guess we are forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Or buy a new and body-friendly/earth-friendly Klean Kanteen. Until they find something wrong with that.
PS... can I take a moment, while I'm already on my soapbox, to express one of my pet peeves? I can't stand it when companies change the spelling of words that begin with C to a K. I don't get it. Why can't they just call it Clean Canteen? It bothers me enough that I don't go to stores with those names and I may settle for my BPA emitting Nalgene rather than buying a Klean Kanteen. Okay, I'm done. Thanks for letting me share that.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Bang and Ba
Mr. Mister has learned two new things to say "bababa" and how to go "bang, bang, bang," with his hand on the table. The cute thing is that he gets them confused. I'll say, "Say babababa." And he'll bang on the table with a huge smile because he knows he's doing something very smart. I guess we'll give the kid a break...baba and bang bang sound pretty similar when you're 7 months old.
Mr. Mister has recently shown a great interest in what we're eating. Anytime I open something or he sees us eating at the kitchen table, his eyes get wide, his arms get tense, and he makes a grunting noise that I interpret to mean, "I want some of that." He can't eat most of what we do yet, but we have tried giving him a couple things. I let him put my apple in his mouth since he already eats pureed apples. He loved sucking the sweet juice but when he bit into it with his two little bottom teeth, he got the cutest sour face. I think it was really cold on his teeth. The other thing we started giving him is the Gerber Puffs, which are like cereal but are designed to dissolve quickly in a baby's mouth. He can pick them up and put them in his mouth but most of them end up on his bib or the floor as he is still figuring out exactly how to chew them. Daddy still tries to sneak him things like spaghetti and pretzels, but I think we're going to wait on those.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Latest
I apologize for leaving many of you in the dark as to where my blog has been for the last week. I have missed blogging and a lot has been going on. Here's the latest in the world of Mr. Mister....
He is becoming more mobile! He finally learned how to roll from his back to his stomach. We've been practicing for a while so this was very exciting. He quickly figured out that if he keeps rolling from stomach to back to stomach to back that he can actually move places on his own. So yesterday he rolled across the entire room, even passing under the coffee table! At the end he was breathing was quite a workout. So my life is about to get a little less relaxed now as I will need to keep a closer eye on him moving everywhere.
This morning we witnessed another result of this new skill. After laying him down for his nap (on his back) we checked back in on him, only to find him on his stomach, pushed up on his arms, looking around the room. Someone is growing up.
Other quick news briefs...He is stringing syllables together now...he says, "babababa"....he is still battling a cold...he has a new found love for tummy time...his neck is becoming more and more visible...he desperately needs a haircut - it's a little out of control.... he has a cute new smile where he squints his eyes and scrunches his is his 7 month birthday! Hard to believe.
He is becoming more mobile! He finally learned how to roll from his back to his stomach. We've been practicing for a while so this was very exciting. He quickly figured out that if he keeps rolling from stomach to back to stomach to back that he can actually move places on his own. So yesterday he rolled across the entire room, even passing under the coffee table! At the end he was breathing was quite a workout. So my life is about to get a little less relaxed now as I will need to keep a closer eye on him moving everywhere.
This morning we witnessed another result of this new skill. After laying him down for his nap (on his back) we checked back in on him, only to find him on his stomach, pushed up on his arms, looking around the room. Someone is growing up.
Other quick news briefs...He is stringing syllables together now...he says, "babababa"....he is still battling a cold...he has a new found love for tummy time...his neck is becoming more and more visible...he desperately needs a haircut - it's a little out of control.... he has a cute new smile where he squints his eyes and scrunches his is his 7 month birthday! Hard to believe.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
The Big Easy
Just a quick post from our hotel in New Orleans to let you know that I got sunburned today while the city of Cincinnati was snowed in. It was wonderful to be in the sun but we were kind sad to miss such a fun snow storm.
We're here for my college roommie's wedding, which was beautiful. More on that later when we get home. Until then, here's our family picture from the wedding...Mr. Mister looked quite handsome in his collared shirt.
We're here for my college roommie's wedding, which was beautiful. More on that later when we get home. Until then, here's our family picture from the wedding...Mr. Mister looked quite handsome in his collared shirt.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Sitting and Standing
Yesterday Mr. Mister sat up in the grocery cart for the first time. As I watched him hold onto the sides, I pretended that this was the one cart in the whole store with no germs on it. It made me feel better for the moment and then last night we went to Babies R Us to buy one of those covers for shopping carts that prevents babies from actually touching the cart. Anyway, Mr. Mister was so excited to be sitting up front where he could see everything and smile at everyone who passed by. I think he was pretty proud of himself. Then, 20 minutes later, he got tired of sitting up and started slouching to the side (as much as the safety belt would let him) and squawking every couple minutes. I couldn't do much but hurry to finish my grocery shopping. It was pretty funny.

Here is a picture of his newest activity...standing up on his own. He can't pull himself up, but if we stand him next to the couch or coffee table, he holds on and loves it.
6 Month Checkup
Today was Mr. Mister's 6 month checkup. He's still very healthy and developing right on schedule. He was his entertaining self, as he did all his tricks for the doctor...sitting, talking, blowing raspberries, putting his feet in his mouth.
He weighed in at 21 lbs 8 oz...still in the 98th percentile for his weight and his head size. Our car seat can hold him until he's 30 pounds, but I don't know how much longer I can carry him in it.
He weighed in at 21 lbs 8 oz...still in the 98th percentile for his weight and his head size. Our car seat can hold him until he's 30 pounds, but I don't know how much longer I can carry him in it.
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