Friday, August 17, 2007

Resigned to Patience

Well, Baby Tiderman is definitely in no rush to enter the world. I went to the doctor again this morning and I'm still only dilated 1cm. The doctor reminded me that I could still go into labor tonight....or it could be another week. She said that they'll only let me go 1 week after my due date before they induce me. I think I can handle one more week.

The freeing part of all of this is knowing there is nothing I can do about it. Everyone has their suggestions for natural ways to get the labor going, including the two most recent suggestions - eating Dewey's Pizza or eating cheesecake. I'm not sure I believe that either of those will help my labor, but both sound good to me :)

So...I have resigned to being patient, with full confidence that the Lord is in control and that this little one will come when he/she is ready to come. In our fast paced world where we get what we want when we want, it is actually refreshing to wait. How many things do we really wait for without needing to work for it in the process? And I was thinking last night about how kids these days are rushed into so many things...the school curriculum is more intense at earlier grades, they start sports so young, and so many grow up too fast in general. The last thing I want is to start pressuring my baby to hurry up before it's even born!!

With all of this considered, I've decided to not wish away these days in anxiousness but to enjoy them and allow Baby T to enjoy his/her warm and safe place a little longer before entering this crazy world.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Daily Updates

My mother-in-law called today to see how I'm feeling and suggested that I put a recording on my voicemail with the daily update for everyone who calls to check in. I considered it....I can tell people that I'm still pregnant, still feeling slightly uncomfortable, receiving plenty of jabs in the side as the baby has run out of room to comfortably move around, ready for the baby to come out, but over all feeling fine. But that would take away from the fun of talking to all the great people who call. My brother from Colorado called to make sure he didn't get passed over on the phone chain when I had the baby. My friend Katie from NY emailed to see if I'm a mom yet. Linds from Louisiana called to check in, Marisa emailed from half way around the world to see about any new baby news, my dad called from a business trip in Atlanta...So clearly the baby is not lacking in anxious people waiting for his/her arrival. I just don't think he/she is aware of how many people are eagerly anticipating the grand entrance. So we'll be kept waiting until he/she is ready.... and by the way, another reason I'm ready for the baby to come is so that I can call him/her him or her without the slash in between.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I have been overwhelmed when I realize the amount of support Mark and I have in our lives. Our families, of course, have been amazing throughout the whole pregnancy and I know they will continue to be the main support in our lives and in the life of our little one. Then there are my two best friends (since 6th and 7th grade) who want me to call them when I go into labor no matter what time it is so that they can be at the hospital when I deliver. And our YL team in Fairfield who continue to be some of our greatest friends...they're organizing meals for us and have continually offered to come over to watch the baby whenever I need a nap. And there are dozens of people who have called and emailed just to check in to see how I'm feeling and if there is any baby news. We are so blessed.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sleeping In...the Last Hurrah

No new baby news yet, although myself and everyone around me is ready and waiting. I'm getting seriously anxious now. I have trouble falling asleep at night because I keep thinking about the baby...I'm just so excited for him or her to come. (I also have trouble staying asleep at night because of bathroom trips and hip pain). I did enjoy sleeping in until 11:00 this morning, which is way out of character for me. As Mark and I woke up around that time, I realized that this would be the last time for a while (and by a while I mean decades) that I would be able to so lazily waste a Saturday morning.

Monday, August 6, 2007


I had a minor breakdown last night. I was overwhelmed with feelings of nervousness and anxiety about not being ready to have a baby and enter the wonderful world of motherhood. Maybe I should have considered this 9 months ago because at this point, the change is coming whether or not I feel ready. And when have I ever felt ready for a change? I cried when I had to leave high school to go to college, I cried when I graduated college and had to start teaching, I cried when I left teaching to go on staff at OSI and I cried when I left OSI to be a full time mom. And of course at this point I'm thankful for each change and can't imagine life without each of those seasons. So taking into account my track record for change, I am not too concerned by my breakdown last night....I am fairly confident that I'll make it through this change and will actually love my new life as a mom.

A Little Progress!

Today my doctor informed me that I am dilated 1 cm! She also told me that I could be dilated 1 cm for 1 day, 2 days, or 2 weeks. So I'm excited, but not getting my hopes up. At least it's more progress than I had last week. I'm sure all of you who have had babies before are chuckling at my excitement over 1 cm. I realize there's a long way to go still, but this makes it a little more real.

Three weeks ago, I was ready for this baby to come. All the battery operated baby toys were put together, I felt equipped with all the knowledge I needed from my childbirth/child care classes, and I knew this baby could come any day. But the baby didn't come and I have recently found myself forgetting the reality of the impending arrival. After all the excitement and no news, I settled back into my normal routine of life, somewhat believing that it wasn't really going to happen. So the 1cm announcement is a big deal for me...bringing me back to reality that I will have a baby soon....could be tonight, tomorrow, or in two weeks, which would make it right on time.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Still Waiting and My Top Fives

Still waiting. I went to the doctor today and there's still no progress. So this baby may just come right on time. My mom and I decided as we looked at the calendar that Friday, August 17 would be a good day for Baby T to arrive, but I don't think I have too much choice in the matter. It would just be nice if he/she didn't come while I'm at weddings in Columbus the two weekends in a row before my due date or while Mark is working in Louisville Aug 8 and 9. Thankfully I have friends and family on standby should Mark not be here when I need to go to the hospital.

As I wait for my little bundle of joy, I thought it would be fun to reflect on my pregnancy and look ahead to non-pregnancy (which is hard to remember right now) with two top five lists. So here they are:

Top five things I'll miss when I'm no longer pregnant...
5. Parking in the "Expectant Mothers Only" parking at Babies R Us and Biggs (which, by the way, I think that every store should have. And even more needed are close parking spots for mothers with young children).

4. Using the excuse "I'm pregnant!" in many circumstances...the occasional craving, the need to sleep a little longer, not carrying anything heavy, justifying my need for a foot massage from my husband, etc. etc. etc.

3. Sleeping with Snoogle, my wonderful body pillow that has saved me from many aches and pains as I've tried to sleep only on my sides for the past several months. (Although Mark will probably be thankful to have more room after Snoogle is gone...he appropriately nicknamed Snoogle "the anaconda").

2. Pants with elastic waists...I love maternity clothes! There's never the dreaded feeling of your jeans being too tight. They just keep expanding!

1. Feeling the baby move around inside me. This is definitely the most incredible part of being pregnant.

Top five things I will NOT miss when I'm no longer pregnant...
5. The difficulty of getting out of bed, breathing, getting up from a chair, bending over, etc. etc. etc.

4. Sleeping on my sides...I am so excited to sleep on my back and stomach again.

3. Dietary restrictions...mmm, feta cheese, turkey sandwiches, and a good glass of wine.

2. Physical restrictions...I've enjoyed my daily walks, but I'm ready to run again. I need a good sweaty workout.

1. Trips to the bathroom every 5 minutes...I'll be glad to have my normal bladder back (which may only increase the trips to every 30 minutes, but I'll take it!)